New Fan Page Welcome Video. Greet Your Fans on Your Fan Page!
We surveyed a bunch of fans using PodInbox and realized these fan pages can be a bit impersonal. Fans are looking to connect with you, the podcaster. They’re used to hearing your voice, and they want some personal greeting and guidance when arriving at your PodInbox fan page.
For this reason, we created a new feature we call…the fan page welcome video.
Before, you were only able to upload a video to each individual inbox. Those videos are great, but they were a bit too buried within an inbox.
Now, you can upload a video prominently on the parent fan page.
This video is super effective, cause it’ll likely be the FIRST thing a fan notices when they arrive at your PodInbox fan page. Because on your page, they’ll see this prominent animated button that we call…your video avatar.
This video avatar is a muted version of your actual video, so fans will be compelled to click it. When they do, they’ll see a popup of your full-sized video welcoming them to your page.
Best Practices
We really recommend uploading a welcome video to greet your fans with a warm welcome, and let them know how to best engage with you. To upload a fan page welcome video, just login to your PodInbox dashboard, and click on
You can still upload individual inbox videos, to give more granular instruction on what you want for each inbox.
These videos support both portrait and landscape layouts, but we’d suggest creating portrait videos with your phone camera, maximizing your presence in the video, for best results!
Also, videos should be no longer than 1-minute long.
Currently, these videos are only supported on the paid Pro and Business plans…not on the free Hobby plan.
These video avatars are yet another super fun way to engage your audience, so be creative when creating your video!